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Contact Form 7 – Bitrix24 CRM – Integration | Contact Form 7 – Bitrix24 CRM – Интеграция


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Продаж: 772

Версия: 2.47.0 | Последнее обновление: 30.10.2024

Артикул: CF7-BX24 Категория: Метка:

Contact Form 7 Bitrix24 CRM Интеграция это плагин интеграции с Bitrix24 для WordPress, который позволит вам легко отправить данные из ваших Contact Form 7 форм в ваш Bitrix24 аккаунт. После интеграции, отправленные формы будут автоматически добавлены как лид, сделка, задача, контакт или компания в указанном аккаунте Bitrix24, вместе с дополнительными данными.

Основные возможности плагина:

  • Интегрирует ваши `Contact Form 7` формы с Bitrix24 CRM.
  • Работает с любым тарифом облачной и коробочной версии Bitrix24 CRM (кроме бесплатного тарифа, так как с 1 января 2021, Bitrix24 изменяет условия).
  • Вы можете выбрать, что формировать – лид, сделку, задачу, контакт или компанию.
  • Создание сделки и задачи, происходит вместе с созданием / привязкой (если уже есть существующий) контакта и компании. (если поля заполнены)
  • Создание чеклиста в задаче при создании задачи.
  • Создание сообщения в ленте лида, сделки, контакта или компании, в зависимости от выбранного основного типа отправки.
  • Уведомления в Bitrix24 CRM при создании лида, сделки и задачи.
  • Поля загружаются из CRM (включая пользовательские) (кроме полей задачи).
  • Вы можете настроить в каждой форме, какие данные вы хотите получать.
  • Отправка в двух режимах: сразу при отправке формы или с небольшой задержкой через `Action Sheduler`.
  • Нет ограничений по количеству форм Contact Form 7.
  • Поддержка нескольких направлений для сделок.
  • Поддержка `utm` параметров из `URL`.
  • Поддержка отправки `GA Client ID`.
  • Поддержка отправки `roistat_visit` cookie.
  • Поддержка отправки `_ym_uid` cookie.
  • Поддержка отправки `_fbp` и `_fbc` cookie.
  • Поддержка загружаемых файлов для `лидов` и `сделок`.
  • Совместим с `Contact Form 7 Multi-Step Forms`. (при настройке, вам необходимо заполнить данные по всем шагам в последней форме).


  • Для работы плагина требуется `Contact Form 7` плагин >= 5.0

История изменений


  • Feature: populate `source_id` by name, not just by value (#439).


  • Fixed: deal `source_id` setting field (#395).


  • Feature: using `timeline.comment` instead of `livefeedmessage` (#357).
  • Fixed: clear missing `utm` (#353).


  • Feature: up request `timeout` for a slow connection (#304).
  • Fixed: do not load the specified `webhook` in the field to exclude copying (#316).


  • Feature: ability to send a value from any `cookie` (#279).
  • Fixed: checking not only user permissions but also nonce (#276).


  • Feature: notification if `puc` is not loaded (#213).
  • Feature: begin/close date in `deal` fields (#211).


  • Fixed: sending file content to the `field` of type `file` (#173).


  • Feature: support sending cookie `_fbc` (#170).
  • Feature: support sending cookie `_fbp` (#169).


  • Feature: new filter `itglx/cf7/bx24/body-{api method}` (#163).
  • Feature: new filter `itglx/cf7/bx24/fields-after-form-submission` (#162).


  • Feature: improvement of the interface of the settings page (#148).


  • Feature: set `priority` for `task` (#109).
  • Feature: set `created by` for `task` (#108).


  • Feature: creating a `checklist` for a `task` (#101).


  • Feature: new filter `itglx/cf7/bx24/ignore-sending` (#90).
  • Fixed: link between the `company` and `contact` (#88).


  • Feature: the ability to export / import form settings (#48).
  • Fixed: enqueue assets on the page for adding a new form (#49).


  • Fixed: checking built-in permissions `cf7` instead of additional (#46).


  • Feature: support for copying settings when duplicating a `form` (#45).
  • Fixed: loading `translation` by `user` locale (#42).
  • Fixed: generation php `notice` when replacing special tags (#39).


  • Feature: compatibility with `Drag and Drop Multiple File Upload – Contact Form 7` (#35).
  • Fixed: enqueue admin assets for non-standard interface (#34).


  • Feature: optional send through action scheduler.
  • Fixed: creating a company record from empty data.


  • Fixed: do not send a message to the crm feed if the fileset is empty.
  • Chore: field `export` in contact fields.
  • Fixed: processing of uploaded files due to changes in CF7 5.4
  • Feature: merging values in multiple fields when updating an existing lead, instead of replacing.


  • Fixed: compatibility with `SG Optimizer`.
  • Chore: default log file path, moved to `WordPress` uploads directory.
  • Feature: using the new API to find duplicates (existing entities) by phone and email.


  • Chore: use `webpack` to build assets.
  • Feature: the ability to specify a workgroup for the task.
  • Chore: use new method `tasks.task.add` instead `task.item.add` to create task.


  • Chore: added new filter `itglx_cf7_bx24_lead_fields_before_send`.
  • Chore: minor improvements in downloading the log through the admin panel.
  • Chore: added new filter `itglx_cf7_bx24_save_utm`.
  • Chore: added wrapper to mail-tags list.
  • Chore: added new filter `itglx_cf7_bx24_count_seconds_save_utm_cookies`.
  • Fixed: fourth parameter of the `wpcf7_special_mail_tags` filter.
  • Feature: ability to connect exists contact when lead processing.


  • Feature: support sending cookie `_ym_uid`.
  • Feature: ability to automatically assign a responsible if there is an updated lead or created lead / deal.
  • Feature: more task fields.
  • Feature: ability to exclude some of the fields when updating an existing lead.


  • Fixed: resolve boolean field if default value no checked.
  • Fixed: replace shortcodes in the live feed of the entry.
  • Fixed: check required fields of checkboxes.
  • Feature: reset fields cache by button without cron.
  • Feature: the ability to choose how to search for an existing lead (phone and / or mail).
  • Fixed: create task process if lead update occurs.
  • Feature: ability to set task deadline not only a date, but also a text format, for example, `+1 day`.
  • Feature: support set contact photo by uploaded image.


  • Fixed: compatibility with `WP Fastest Cache`.
  • Сhore: support additional tags started with `pm_`.
  • Feature: support for processing utm tags when using caching plugins.
  • Chore: use composer autoloader.
  • Feature: if “always create new” is selected, then the plugin, in addition to creating a new one, searches for existing ones and adds an entry to their live feed.
  • Feature: ability to always create a new contact without searching for an existing one.


  • Fixed: live feed message clean html.
  • Feature: ability to create a comment in the live feed of the entry (lead/deal/contact/company).
  • Feature: format for special tag `_date` now `Y-m-d`.


  • Fixed: skip empty required fields when updating a contact.
  • Fixed: possible problem when filling out a boolean field.
  • Feature: update for an existing contact (search by phone and email), before creating a new one.


  • Chore: ability to override the log file path.
  • Fixed: filling in the value for the text field, if multiple is enabled.
  • Fixed: populate value `HONORIFIC` from the form field.


  • Feature: more support “pipes”.


  • Fixed: populate multiple values to list.


  • Fixed: populate values to list not from field `bitrix24_select`.


  • Chore: more error handling.


  • Fixed: blank values for missing utm.
  • Fixed: check maybe no extension `php-mbstring`.


  • Feature: Support sending cookie `roistat_visit` to CRM.


  • Fixed: compatibility `Contact Form 7 Lead info with country`.


  • Feature: Support for uploaded files for types `lead` and `deal`.


  • Feature: added compatibility `Contact Form 7 Lead info with country`.
  • Fixed: possible problem with duplication of phone / mail when updating the lead.


  • Feature: use any `utm_` params in `URL`.
  • Chore: more logs.


  • Feature: added the ability to log requests to CRM (disabled by default).


  • Feature: multiple responsible for type lead and deal.


  • Fixed: special mail tags support.
  • Chore: added `user-agent` header to requests.


  • Fixed: Populate the value of the `bitrix` list.


  • Feature: Support for `multiple` parameter in `bitrix24_select`.
  • Feature: Ability to send value in the yes / no field from the form.


  • Feature: Update for an existing lead (search by phone and email), before creating a new one.


  • Feature: Support for `GA Client ID`.
  • Fixed: special mail tags support.


  • Feature: Support for multi pipeline for the deal.


  • Feature: Support for `utm` params in `URL`.
  • Feature: Creating a task together with a deal or lead.
  • Feature: A new shortcode `bitrix24_select` is added to generate a selection field from Bitrix24 values.


  • Fixed: API creation of the `contact` is changed.


  • Changed: Saving integration settings on ajax.
  • Fixed: Automatic set of the trailing slash for Webhook.


  • Feature: Added the creation of notifications in Bitrix24 CRM when adding a lead, deal and task.
  • Updated: Documentation.
  • Updated: Preview screenshots.


  • Feature: Added compatibility `Contact Form 7 Multi-Step Forms`.


  • Changed: Use `web hooks`.
  • Changed: The fields are now loaded from the CRM (including custom fields) (except for tasks).
  • Added: Ability to send `deal`, `task`, `company` or `contact`.
  • Added: WordPress cron task to update fields from CRM.
  • Updated: Preview screenshots.
  • Updated: Translate.


  • Initial public release.
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